A periodical consists of one or more serial issues that are
bound together into a single unit. For example, National Geographic
Magazine, a monthly publication, would have six issues bound
together with the title, volume, year and call number stamped
on the spine. Depending on the weight and size of the volume,
each should not be thicker than 2" (51mm), in accordance with
ANS/NISO/LBI Z39.78-2000. For all projects, we retain computerized
documentation of the cover layout, stamping layout, cover
colour, foil colour and any collation instructions.
the issues come in a signature form (e.g. Time Magazine),
our choice of leaf attachment is
- sew through the fold, if possible.
- Mekanotch double fan
- Double fan
- Oversew for very glossy and heavy books where glueing would
not suffice
books are then rounded and backed where possible..
pages of the book are notched, then a PVA adhesive is applied
to prevent brittleness and provide maximum flexibility of
the book spine. Periodicals that are printed on glossy paper
or are too heavy for Mekanotching will be Oversewn, a process
whereby the pages of the book are punched and sewn together.
In all cases, the spines of the books are round and backed.